Tank Tappers are a Pain in the Gas
A mysterious, nefarious gasoline thief has struck again in rural northeast Nevada. The Elko Daily Free Press reports the latest victims include the newspaper itself.
Police say the gas thieves have hit more than a dozen vehicles the past month, drilling holes in gas tanks and apparently draining the fuel into buckets.
In addition to a newspaper truck, tanks were tapped over the weekend at a car dealer, a laundry and a grocery store.
Earlier targets included a city councilman’s truck and a state-owned SUV at NV Job Connect.
Police have no suspects. They say they haven’t been able to establish any pattern to the thefts.
And if the price of gasoline isn’t bad enough, authorities say replacement tanks are costing the victims anywhere from $500 to $2,000.
Source: Elko Daily Free Press, http://www.elkodaily.com